Read a real-life medical report on three cases of Haitian zombies Multuhan - ph

Here are the three case studies the researchers observed in southern Haiti between 1996-1997:

The First case

FI was around 30 years old when she died after a short febrile illness and was buried by her family the same day in the family tomb next to her house. 3 years later she was recognised by a friend wandering near the village; her mother confirmed her identity by a facial mark, as did her 7-year-old daughter, her siblings, other villagers, her husband, and the local priest. She appeared mute and unable to feed herself. Her parents accused her husband of zombifying her (he was jealous of her after she had had an affair). After a local court authorised the opening of her tomb, which was full of stones, her parents were undecided whether to take her home and she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital in Port-au Prince

The Second case

WD, 26 years old, was the eldest son of an alleged former tonton macoute (secret policeman) under the Duvaliers' regime. The father was our principal informant together with WD's mother and other villagers. When he was 18, he suddenly became ill with a fever, "his eyes turned yellow," he "smelled bad like death," and "his body swelled up". Suspecting sorcery, his father asked his older brother to obtain advice from a boko [or sorcerer], but WD died after 3 days and was buried in a tomb on family land next to the house of a female cousin. The tomb was not, as was customary, watched that night. 19 months later, WD reappeared at a nearby cock fight, recognised his father, and accused his uncle of zombifying him

The Third Case

MM, aged 31, was the younger sister of our principal informant who described her as formerly a friendly but quiet and shy girl, not very bright. At the age of 18, MM had joined some friends in prayers for a neighbour who had been zombified; she herself then became ill with diarrhoea and fever, her body swelled up and she died in a few days. The family suspected revenge sorcery. After 13 years, MM had reappeared in the town market 2 months before we met her, with an account of having been kept as a zombi in a village 100 miles to the north, and having borne a child to another zombi (or perhaps to the boko). On the death of the boko, his son had released her and she travelled home on foot.

The researchers diagnosed the first patient with catatonic schizophrenia, the second with epilepsy and brain damage (presumably from oxygen deprivation), and the third with potential fetal alcohol syndrome.

To makes matters even curiouser, DNA testing revealed that the second and third patients were cases of mistaken identity. The researchers posit that reported cases of zombification have less to do with mind-controlling neurotoxins and more to do with untreated or undiagnosed mental illness and brain disorders.

READ MORE - Read a real-life medical report on three cases of Haitian zombies Multuhan - ph

Every 200 people you meet each day 2 of them are ghost? - Multuhan-ph

Yes and you might even fall in love with one, a new relationship or spiritual journey - perhaps as yet unseen. An opportunity for joy, contentment, fertility, or enlightenment. Coming to understand the emotional needs of those around you. May represent an unexpected message, a chance meeting, or the start of a friendship or romance.

The card at the left of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will sustain your spiritual journey. Four of Artifacts (The Shining Trapezohedron): A time of tranquility and intellectual repose in the midst of a great struggle. A temporary retreat from stress to regather inner strength, reaffirm convictions, reorganize thoughts, and formulate a new plan. The need for vigilance in a moment of calm. May suggest a withdrawal from the material world to find spiritual guidance.

The card in the middle of the lower line represents the qualities that you express in this circumstance. Five of Tomes (The Dhol Chants): An intense struggle motivated purely by the love of competition. A state of seeming chaos driven by endless small disputes and complications. A hotly contested race, debate, game, or other challenge. A stressful situation that brings out the best in the participants.
The card at the right of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will reveal spiritual knowledge. Three of Tomes (Unaussprechlichen Kulten): Personal fortitude and strength of character. Accumulated power set in motion towards a distant goal. The initiation of an enduring partnership based on absolute trust. Honor maintained in a time of desperate struggle. Taking full responsibility for a decision, and bearing the solitude of leadership.

READ MORE - Every 200 people you meet each day 2 of them are ghost? - Multuhan-ph


Marc, a young man in his late 20s, was cruising inside BF Homes Subdivision in ParaƱaque City along with his two pals. They were speeding along at about 40 kms/hr on a quartermile long road known to BF homeowners as Concha Cruz Drive. This long stretch of asphalt used to be the venue for drag races among teenagers im the early 80s. 

Ronnie, one of Marc's friends riding with him motioned for them to stop. He wanted to relieve himself by the grassy area along the right side of the road. It was nearly midnight, and all was quite as usual. There was not a car in sight. 

After Ronnie finished doing his business, the group went back on the road, cruising along Concha Cruz on their way to El Grande Avenue to bring home their friend Jen. 
About two hundred meters before the nearest intersection, they were surprised when a black sedan pulled up along their right side. It's windows were heavily tinted so that neither Marc nor his friends could see into it. The black car stopped right next to Marc's, obviously spoiling for a drag race. Marc, the son of a race car driver, was just too ready to oblige the unknown challenger. 

As both car drivers gunned their engines repeatedly, the three young boys noticed the window of the black car slowly being rolled down. Marc and Jen rolled down their own window to see who they were racing against. What they see inside chilled their blood. 
Inside the black sedan, Marc and Jen saw a young man and a young woman, dressed totally in white, their clothes drenched in fresh blood, their ashen faces streaked with blood that seemed to be pouring from head wounds. 

Both lay lifeless on their seats, looking like victims of an accident, with their bloodshot eyes staring unseeingly ahead. 

Marc immediately stepped on the gas pedal and sped away from the sedan, which remained motionless. When Jen looked back, she saw nothing but pitch darkness, with only the light from a lamppost flickering feebly in the distance. 
They rushed to the nearest house on Concha Cruz, where they knocked frantically until someone finally opened up for them and let them inside. All three were shaking from head to toe; pale from absolute fright. Upon hearing what happened, the lady who let them in, Mrs. Tirona, told them to sit down and listen to a story... 

During the early 80s, Concha Cruz was THE place to be if you were a race car enthusiast. Teenagers, beginning at nine in the evening, would converge at a certain portion of the road to drink beer, play some loud music from their expensive car stereos, and rev up their "loaded" engines. Most of them lived in BF Homes and adjacent subdivisions. 
Eric (not his real name) was one of the top racers of the bunch. He drove a jet black Toyota Macho Maching which his father gave him for his 23rd birthday. 
One Sunday afternoon, Eric and his girlfriend Gem, were cruising down Concha Cruz Drive when a rival racer -Bernard- pulled up at his side and challenged him to a race. The two cars were right at the very spot where the starting line was drawn. Eric tried to beg off, at the request of Gem. But Bernard was insistent. Eventually, he managed to provoke Eric into accepting challenge. 

As the two drivers gunned their engines, Gem tried to strap on her seatbelt, asking Eric to do the same. But before she could do so, the two cars lurched ahead, careering down Concha Cruz Drive at top speed. 

All of a sudden, one of Bernard's tires blew out. As the car swerved and skidded off the road at close to a hundred kilometers an hour, Bernard's car hit Eric's Toyota, crashing the black sedan into one of the trees. Without the seatbelts to protect them, Eric and Gem had no chance of surviving. Eric died instantly from massive head and facial injuries. Gem's head cracked open on impact when she hit the dashboard. She died a few hours later on an operating table. 

Bernard walked away with only minor bruises. 
Eric and Gem were dressed in white during their burial. 
The black car still haunts Concha Cruz Drive to this day.
"Sometimes, there are witnesses who claim they still see Eric and Gem drive down the street, flagging down cars driven by teenagers showing the kids their wounds." 
It's probably their way of warning not to race down Concha Cruz Drive.